Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And the Countdown Begins...

Today is the 10th of August and my departure date is officially one month away. I have to say I'm a bit nervous, but sooooo excited! I keep laughing to myself when my mom and I where sitting at the dinner table discussing whether or not I should accept my invite. I had received the wrong assignment (English Teacher/Literacy Educator) and didn't have a clue. I figured they had a change in jobs and needed somebody to fill an open slot. After originally hearing that I was going to be working computers, the thought of 'Literacy Educator' made me think twice. I ended up accepting this invite only to find out later that it was indeed the wrong assignment lol. PC emailed me the correct assignment of 'Information Technology Educator' and I accepted, AGAIN, for the second time :) ... and boy was I relieved.

There's so many things one must do in order to prepare for a 2-year leave from ordinary life, I have no idea where to begin. Unnecessary belongings have slowly made their way to the Salvation Army, which has finally cleared up some room in my storage. I'm still trying to figure out how to pack my Mac G-5 and still meet my weight requirements... I will miss you my long-time friend. I must not forget about my DROID, I will miss this as well.

So on that note, biggest challenge for me so far is re-introducing myself to the inner and outer workings of a PC. For the last 8 years I've been nothing but Mac this and Mac that... time for a change I guess :) lol As well as learning Bislama, I've been studying up on my PC computer skills.